Full Stack Development - Course Details

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Full Stack Development


Get ready to explore the world of creating websites and web applications in our Web Development course. It's a comprehensive journey where you'll learn to make dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly sites.

In this course, you'll dive into web technologies, covering the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other important languages. You'll get hands-on experience in coding, fixing issues, and making sure your web pages look and work well on different devices using responsive design.

We cover both front-end and back-end development, teaching you how to bring a website to life and manage server-side functions. You'll use popular tools like React, Node.js, and databases to build strong web applications that handle user interactions and data.

By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to design, develop, and launch fully functional websites and web applications. Whether you want to be a freelance web developer, work for a tech company, or boost your current career, our Web Development course gives you the knowledge and expertise to make your web development goals a reality. Join us and become a skilled web developer in no time.

Front End

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery

    Back End

    • PHP
    • MySQL
    •  Laravel
    • AJAX

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